Pro-Tech Termite and Pest Control

Your Neighborhood Professional

Providing The Quality Termite and Pest Control Services You Deserve

Serving New Jerseys Ocean And Monmouth Counties
Family Owned and Operated
With Over 30 Years Experience In The Pest Control Industry
Using The Latest Products and Methods

New Jersey State Registration 95889A

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                     609-698-3424                732-244-4015            Fax 609-698-4228

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Termites : Termites have been around for over 250 million years, and cause more damage then all the fires, floods and storms combined in the United States. Home owners generally become aware that they have a termite problem in the spring during what is known as the swarming season. This is when male and female reproductive swarmers leave their nest to start new colonies. If you should find loose clear wings on window sills or around floor areas have your home inspected for termites by a qualified pest control operator. Having a termite swarm in or around your home does not always mean that you have extensive damage to the structure but any damage found can be an indication of hidden damage. 

Carpenter Ants : The black carpenter ant is a native species and the common species of the east. These ants get their name from their habit of hollowing out galleries in pieces of wood for nesting purposes. This nesting habit can result in structural damage to homes. 

Carpenter Bees : These bees get their name from their habit of boring into wood to make galleries for rearing their young. There are 7 different species in the United States. They are 1/2 to 1” in length resembling bumblebees, but with a large shining and bare abdomen.

Bald Face Hornet : This large black and white yellowjacket gets its name of baldface from its deep black color and mostly white face, and hornet because of its large size and aerial nest.

Paper Wasp : Paper wasps get their name from the paper like material that they use to construct their nests. It has been suggested that they be called umbrella wasps because of the shape of their nests. In a residential area this usually none aggressive pest can become a nuisance.

Fleas : Fleas are one of the most important types of insect pests, not only can they cause discomfort by their biting, but they can also transmit disease such as plague and murine typhus.
The most common flea associated with our pets is the cat flea.

German Cockroach : The German cockroach is the most common roach found in restaurants and homes. Adults are about 1/2” in size and can have a color from light brown to tan, with 2 dark lines on its back. The German roach has been found to transmit a variety of pathogenic organisms including parasitic protozoan and can also cause allergic reactions in humans.

House Cricket : This insect gets its name from its ability to survive in our homes. Having been brought into this country from Europe they are found throughout the United States. 

Indian Meal Moth : Indian meal moths are one of the most common house hold pests often seen flying around kitchen areas. They infest a wide variety of grain products such as cornmeal. When seen you must locate the source of the infestation to eliminate the problem.

Earwigs : Earwigs are worldwide in distribution, with about 22 species in the United States. They get their name from an old superstition that they  would crawl into your ear at night when you were sleeping. If you have a heavy population around your home you can find them crawling around inside.

 PRO-TECH Termite and Pest Control

Box 668, Barnegat, NJ 08005

609-698-3424 or 732-244-4015

Fax 609-698-4228


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